Default Messages & Reconnect

Click on a part of the image to see a description, or scroll down to see a list:

The X message
Used as your quit message when you disconnect by closing ViRC's main window or a server window. May contain attribute codes and function calls.
Quit message
Used as your quit message when you disconnect with /quit or /exit. May contain attribute codes and function calls.
Kick message
Used as the reason when you kick someone from a channel without specifying a reason. May contain attribute codes and function calls.
Kickban message
Used as the reason when you kickban someone from a channel without specifying a reason. May contain attribute codes and function calls.
Automatically reconnect when dropped
If checked, ViRC will attempt to reconnect when you are disconnected by the server.
Wait X seconds between attempts
After a failed attempt, ViRC will wait this long before trying to reconnect again.
Give up after X attempts
ViRC will stop trying to reconnect if it fails after this many attempts.
After X attempts, increase delay to Y seconds
If this many attempts fail, ViRC will begin waiting this long between attempts, instead of the value given above for "Wait X seconds between attempts."
After X attempts, try another server from the same network
If this many attempts fail, ViRC will try to reconnect to another server from the same network, unless the server being attempted is marked Don't hop away in the server list. If Random is chosen, another server will be picked randomly; if Sequential is chosen, the next server in the list will be tried.

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